Editing a &#%! Ton

of Words Since 2011

Every writer needs an editor, and anyone who says he doesn’t has a fool for a muse.

—Tim Egan, New York Times Op-ed Columnist

A Word Nerd for Finance Nerds



In 2011, Sydney Gross founded CMG Editing, an editing and writing service. CMG Editing collaborates with authors, journal publishing services, and societies to edit manuscripts in various stages of the writing, review, and publication processes. She caters to clients in all stages of their academic careers who publish in finance journals listed in the top-50 finance journals by Financial Times.


Sydney writes compelling branded content for finance, B2C, and B2B companies. She amplifies the unique voices and interesting stories of established companies using research and interviews.

Check out her Portfolio for examples of some clients & some published work


Sydney believes in a multidisciplinary approach and is passionate about the intersection of multicultural theory, psychology, and language. She has years of experience working with multilingual authors.

Sydney nurtures a lifelong love of books and words. She cycles centuries and has an extensive mug collection.

Art by Lisa Luck

I did not say that writing ought to make everything clearer, but instead makes everything worse; what I said was that writing makes everything clearer and worse.”

Franz Kafka

Kip, the editing assistant, is a world-class napper. He’s still trying to make fetch happen.

Zola Buddy, aka Zola “the destroyer,” is on a performance improvement plan.