Frequently Asked Questions

Hello, and welcome to the CMG Editing process. Whether it's offering editing expertise or understanding the nuances of publishing conventions and the ethical issues in academic research, CMG Editing is here for authors.


Are manuscript editors and copy editors the same thing?

Yes. To the best of my knowledge, the two terms are synonymous with one another. The current version of the AMA Style Manual agrees.


What tools do you edit in?

Word Track Changes or PDF annotations. Are you working in Overleaf? Send me the files with Track Changes on, and I can work there, too.

What is proofreading?

Proofreading is the arduous task of comparing an original manuscript to a typeset proof. An editor completes this line-by-line reading to catch errors created during typesetting. Proofreading is generally performed in-house by publishers or journal publishing services.


What’s my favorite snack?

So glad you asked! Snacking fuels editing (and writing too!). Give me some dark chocolate and a Diet Coke, and I’m happy.


Hiring a copy editor does not guarantee that your work will be accepted for publication.